A little story.

One night,the moon said to me, "If he makes you cry, why don't you leave him?" I paused for a while and then I look back to the moon, and I said, "Moon, would you leave your sky?"

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Loving someone

do you know your own reason about someone you loved? no? same with me hmm, I think.
loving someone with reason, its just feel you are like a fan than someone who is fall in love.
see the different? if you really love him/her, its just feel that you want to spend your life just with him/her, oh or maybe, who can make your hearts beat faster, feel comfort with him/her, and many more.
about just fan, you're really excited about him/her, you know the facts about him/her, but if him/her get an accident and made part of his face broken, do you want to still loving him/her? maybe, a few people that really really loves him/her. but, if you just love her/him faces, without know him/her attitude or mind its just useless. you are insincerely to love him/her.

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