A little story.

One night,the moon said to me, "If he makes you cry, why don't you leave him?" I paused for a while and then I look back to the moon, and I said, "Moon, would you leave your sky?"

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

hakuna matata!

seminggu ke depan udah mulai menghadapi school final exams! :(
abis ujian sekolah , ga lama kemudian ketemu try out 6 , our last try out before national final exams! o_o
ga berasa loh udah 5 try out lewat dan dengan nilai yang seperti bukit dan lembah : turun naik .__. krna itu makanya gue jadi degdegseeerr x_x
belum lagi ujian nasionalnya 20 paket ~ beuh o_o

i wish about good things for him and with his final exams .
i just wish that he can pass it well :)
good luck for tomorrow until next saturday , p!
hakuna matata , p! :D
hakuna matata all of youuuu~~

likes denny wijaya said: get in get out together! :)
good luck for us :)


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